[Important: September 5th (Tuesday) 22:00] kokosil: Notice of account service migration

To all users of “Kokosil”

Thank you very much for using kokosil service.

We apologize for the sudden notice, but on [September 5th (Tuesday) 22:00], in order to improve convenience and strengthen security, we will update the “uID account'' of the Kokosil account service that you have been using. ” to a service called “My Infobase.”

After [September 5th (Tuesday) 22:00], the login screen will switch from "uID Account" to "My Infobase", but all user information registered in the current "uID Account" will be carried over. , please do not create a new account and log in using the same ID (username/email address) and password as before.

Operations such as logging in and resetting passwords for "My Infobase" are generally the same as for the "uID account" that you have been using. For detailed operating procedures, please refer to the following manual.

My Infobase Operation Manual [PC Edition]

My Infobase Operation Manual [App Edition]

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

*If you have never registered an account (uID account) with kokosil service before, you are not eligible for this information. Additionally, by registering an account (on My Infobase after September 6th), you will be able to use useful features such as reviews and bookmarks, so please consider registering at this opportunity. I would appreciate it.

Account service switching will be carried out on the following dates.
During the changeover process, you will be able to use kokosil services without any problems, but you may be unable to log in to your account. In that case, please wait for a while and try logging in again.

■ Account service switching work schedule ■
Tuesday, September 5, 2023 22:00-24:00

■ Inquiries regarding account service switching work ■
UC Technology Co., Ltd. Ubiquitous Business Department
Tel: 03-5437-2323
Mail: support@kokosil.net