Ticket sales have started on 9/14 (Monday). A large LED vision installed in the Sapporo Hitsujigaoka Observatory parking lot will broadcast live music from 7 venues in the city! It is an event to enjoy through music and lighting. Please see the official website for details. nightupproject.com/drive-in-theat
["SAPPORO ONLINE DRIVE-in FES" will be held! ]
Ticket sales have started on 9/14 (Monday). A large LED vision installed in the Sapporo Hitsujigaoka Observatory parking lot will broadcast live music from 7 venues in the city! It is an event to enjoy through music and lighting. Please see the official website for details. https://t.co/say5z3yJ1i pic.twitter.com/bcEEdyQSPU— Sapporo City Tourism and MICE Promotion Department (@Sapporo_tourism) September 18, 2020