Place where you can enjoy natural flavors of seafood in a variety of ways


To enjoy raw seafood, sushi and kaisendon are of course the best choices; however, if you want to enjoy various seafood dishes offered at reasonable prices, Kaisen-izakaya is the place you should go. Since there are many izakaya run by fisheries, we can enjoy freshness of sashimi, but izakaya also features broiled, stewed, and deep-fried dishes, depending on types of seafood to bring out the best flavors. For example, the great texture and flavor of charbroiled fish such as Kinki and Hokke just let us reconfirm how delicious a simply broiled fish is. You also find that local seafood dishes go well with the rice and the vegetables grown in Hokkaido. Kaisen-izakaya is the place where everyone including those who are not big fans of raw fish can fully enjoy local seafood.